Fourth Kingdom: Flying Dragons Among Us
Fourth Kingdom: Flying Dragons Among Us
In a world partially destroyed by a madman who commands countless races of dragons, a mercenary, a guinea pig, a telepath, a researcher and a pseudo-dragon form an exotic human resistance group.
With average powers and skills, they are the best option to help survivors of an army decimated by dragons.
Together they fight for the gradual reconquest of the country... And perhaps the world.
Latest Release:
Advantages of marriage .
Arranged Marriage .
Without a truce .
Manifestation of Thillaila's Powers .
A Moment in Unconsciousness .
- Preface
- on Kowalsk on
- nd In the und
- Judgment
- al Collateral
- Pi Knowing Pi
- ot Better Not
- ut No Way Out
- d A New and
- om My Kingdom
- le The Little
- s Dangerous
- Gracko
- im The Multim
- d The Third
- e A Strange
- R The Last R
- s No Bodies
- Ni Intense Ni
- on The cocoon
- d Exhausted
- ns Old Kamins
- ss Don't Mess
- A Surprise A
- sa Swift Assa
- of Choices of
- of Choices of
- of Choices of
- Trust
- h In Search
- Ze At Gate Ze
- b If three b
- g Preparing
- D Constant D
- e Challenge
- F Terms of F
- i A Moment i
- at Manifestat
- a Without a
- M Arranged M
- es Advantages